Monday, February 9, 2009

St. Al's family reunion!

Just yesterday, we were on our way into St. Al's to see my dad (recovering from colon surgery) when someone honked at us. When we looked, we knew the person, just couldn't place how. It was Paulette! She was on her way home to check on their dog as Tim is recovering also from surgery. He had his back fused, and will be going to rehab in the next day or so. He is also recovering from a stroke. Paulette told us the room number for Tim, and we promised to stop by after visiting my dad. We got to Tim's room about an hour later, and visited for an hour. Paulette and Richard discussed family and such. She reads the family blogs every now and then. She made the suggestion to have a family reunion some time soon, as we were losing members too quickly. So, how does everyone feel about this, and date suggestions are being solicited. Richard thinks maybe, that this summer may be too soon to get this arranged, so his suggestion is next summer as the younger family members will not be in school then, and those who work will have time to make arrangements for time off. We will keep in contact with Paulette, and looking forward to hearing from you all too. Will send an e-mail to Robin and the California branch of the family, so they have the info.

Cathy and Richard


Anonymous said...

When are you guys going to California for the Navy reunion thingy?

Richard's Rants and Raves said...

It's the 19th through the 22nd of June , But I still don't know if I can go.