Friday, January 30, 2009

Granddaughter update + "Ex" update

Haven't heard back from the kid, so we don't know if they are coming or not. It doesn't matter to Rich, but I am curious as to why. We have run all the scenarios through, but it doesn't change the facts. Maybe it was a hoax.

Heard from #1 daughter about #1 granddaughter. She is safely at a "ranch", out of state, with cats, dogs, horses, barns all the good stuff. She will be incommunicado (?) for at least 2 weeks, and they figure it will take 30 or more days to get the effects of the last fiasco out of her system. They will know then, maybe, if there will be permanent damage. The expected time of stay is 6 to 10 months. Sure hope it works.

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