Saturday, January 3, 2009

The King of Letha Rides Again!

It's just the 3rd of January, and we are fixing to be the bad guys of the neighborhood again. The Letha School bldg. is being occupied. It appears that we are the ones everyone turns to when the Vigoro meets the mix master.

As we were leaving to go after groceries yesterday, we look over and see this dump truck emptying his load of junk in the school yard. Yes, it's official, we have junk. So we get caught at the Letha Store, in Ontario, and then by phone calls (plural) about the new people. We stopped in at the P & Z on Friday and filed an official complaint, and find out the office has received several calls complaining about the situation. The sheriff's office called the neighbors on the other side of the school, and she called us.We are telling anyone who calls to file a written complaint. No phone calls.

We cannot allow this to get out of hand, If Letha-by-God-Idaho makes the national news, then you'll know why. We are preparing for war. Richard is sharpening his sword, looking for his tights while I iron his cape. Those of you west of us, keep your eyes open for a mushroom cloud. It will take a nuclear blast to stop some of these people and make them pay attention. If all else fails, we can bloody their noses. (without the benefit of gloves!) Stay tuned for the
Letha by god Idaho nuclear waste dump site saga. And for all you subscribers, there's probably going to be a few more chapters. Maybe even some real pictures!

And before we say goodbye, we're going to need a real name for this caped crusader. Suggestions solicited.

Later RB and CB


Gale said...

Name? I can't get the idea of Rich in tights out of my head.

Anonymous said...

er...yeah...what she said.

How about a big old skull and crossbones and we just calle him DEATH? Like that? Please make the tights black, much more figure friendly. Also need a theme song, dueling banjo's maybe.