Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The phone jumped off the hook about 9pm night before last. Didn't know the number, it was out of state. I said "hello", you know how that works. This voice says "Is this Richard?" , I said "yes", the voice asked if I was the Richard that was married to a Kathy with three kids Shannon , Chad ,and Sean. Man, am I at a loss for words, very cautiously I say yes. The voice says "This is Sean Thome, Kathy's youngest son". I'm struck dumb, speechless, out of breath, cold chills, flashes of not so nice memory's and I wanted to hang up on him, but I stick it out and ask what I could do for him. Sean asked me if I knew anything about his dad, Dave, being dead. Another shocker! I said "no, I had not read any obit's to that effect". I asked where he got his information. He said his sister Shannon. I'm thinking what's this all about? Well Sean ask If I knew how to get a hold of Dave as he had been unsuccessful in his attempts. So I do the phone book thing and Google thing. No known address, phone disconnected, dumb ass must have fell off the edge of the map. All attempts have failed to locate this supposed dead person. I'm thinking maybe he really is dead. But I had an epiphany, (bet you didn't know I knew that word or what it meant or how to use it, so there). Well anyway I called Don Winch , he's one of our ex beer drinking, pool shooting, skirt chasing, womanizing, born again Jesus freaks and long time friend of Dave's. (He also plays the guitar and thinks he can sing.) I ask if he knows how get a hold of Dave cause he's supposed to be dead and his son is looking for him. After a long pause and a Hail Mary, Don says he's not sure. But he would try to find out. So I get off the cell phone with Don, as Sean is on the other line. Sorry Sean, not much help so far, but Ill see what I can come up with and let you know. We visit for a little while and then say our goodbyes. The next day, which is yesterday now, Don calls me and with a little luck Don finds out that our dead person is not so dead after all. He lives in Emmett in the apartments in back of the Chinese restaurant on 4th street. No phone number yet. I said OK I have to go to the bank I'll talk to you later. So about half way through our appointment at the bank, my cell phone rings and it's our savior Don. Hey, I found Dave. "He drives for FedEx and he's in McCall now, here's his cell number". Sitting back in the truck, I gave Dave a call and give him Sean's number and tell him what's going on. Boy, was that long winded, but I'm not done yet.

Last night about 9PM, the phone ring's again, it is Sean and he's very happy about finding his long lost Daddy. Much thank yous and a few sobs, he tells me that he and his wife are making travel arrangements to Idaho to see Dave and do the father and son thing. So I said I would like to see him while he is here . That was acceptable, so we will see what happens.


Retro Blog said...

Um, that Kathy was so long ago I forgot the kids name but them I not very good with ancient history. Good detective work, Ace!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa weird...but in a good way. Good use of a noun.
I vaguely rememeber that Kathy.