Sunday, April 4, 2010

Everone is having a contest so I am having one t00. picked this up at a yard sale for two dollars. Bought it on a whim, I have NO use for it so if you can guess whats in it Ill send it to you. You don't even have to be right just close.
As for putting Mom in with Dad we can vote on in or just let everone keep Mom for as long as they want and then pass her off to who ever wants to be next. transportation logistics will be left up to who's gettin and who's given. This may take 10 to 20 years, I for one am not in any big hurry.
So let's have your best guess, don't be shy.


Gale said...

loose change, a cork, a pair of dity sox, a dog cookie and bottle cap
Besides I think it will look good in my livingroom.

Anonymous said...

Cookies, dog treats, spider webs, dust, EVOO

Anonymous said...

Bubble bath~~


Richard's Rants and Raves said...

My!! My!!How the hell did you all know what was in that jar? Contest can't be over this early.
And Gale, you cheated and looked when you were here so I changed the contents. Try again!

AuntJoJo said...

M & M's? But if I win you can give it to Gale, it doesn't fit our decor.

Uncle Spud & Aunt JoJo said...


Anonymous said...

um since its a Ginger jar...ginger?
That sucker is big.
I, for one, want everyone to have a chance to keep Mom as well, who wants her next? She comes with baggage...oh as if we didn't know that! R

Anonymous said...