Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chinese Dinner

After working all day in the house spring cleaning, I offered to buy Richard dinner. I was hungry for a salad, and he agreed. So we hop in Zoom Zoom and head to town eagerly anticipating this wonderful salad. Unfortunately, the Blue Ribbon was closed. They are usually open on Sundays, so we didn't call ahead. Maybe we should have. Anyway, we turned around and headed out to the Cold Mountain. On the way up Washington, Rich sees the Beijing (Chinese food) and comments that maybe with their new building, they had better food than the last time. (Really bad last time) So the spirit of adventure wins out, we turn around again, and have a very nice dinner. The service was sparse, but the food has improved a lot. Don't have to go over the hill to get chinese food now.

County Commissioners will be in Letha tomorrow night, so we get local government at it's best.

Rich is running for the sewer board, but then you knew that. He eats, drinks, and sleeps sewer business. Getting all his do's and don'ts sorted out and in place. We may have to have a recall election if the new board chairman doesn't stand up to the past chairwoman, which is now the vice chair. Ring around the Rosy! All the same people, except for one, in new positions is all. The newest member (appointed last meeting when the ex-sec/treas. quit) is a past chairman, dating back to when his daughter-in-law embezzled from the district. (She was the sec/treasurer at that time.) He has had two heart attacks in the last two years, and still works his cattle hauling business full time. The old saying "Everything old is new again" rings true here. The new sec-treas. is behind on her sewer bill, and is related by marriage to the past chairwoman that Rich is trying to get off the board. May the "King of Letha" prevail. (Whoever named him that may have created a monster.)

Hope you all have a good week ahead. For being retired, we sure are busy.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

chapter 2 continuation

In the infamous words of the King of Letha, here's the rest of that last sentence I screwed up, and the rest of chapter two.

You cut the locks. I hand VC the bolt cutters and he says how do these work. I guess it's a damn good thing layman do all the real work, I wonder how he got his drivers licence. Ok Ok ! Well he gets the lock cut on the pump station cover and we open it up, sure enough , water is about four feet from the top, this is a 25 ft deep hole. Time to pump it out. Still one lock to go , on the control box. I hit the manual switch and start both pumps. It's going to take about two hours for this much water to go down, cause of all the water backed up in the pipes all over town. When the water gets down where I can see the pumps and the hanging switches , I can see that MD lied about cleaning them , their are all balled up with crap. VC look at this MD screwed us again. Were not going to pay this asshole are we I ask, it's time for him to go. VC has this really worried look on his face, so I let that slide. I take the locks home so I can weld them for further service. Saves money, that's a joke. Anyway MD finally shows up with an electrician this time,( Dumb ass) They had to replace two switches and clean the other two. These four trips to fix one problem cost the sewer dristrict $4000.00 But i didn't find this out till about three weeks later at the BM meeting. I was pissed and I let them know how I felt, MD is a RIP OFF and you keep paying him for shit work. What the hell is wrong with you people your supposed to be taking care of the people of Letha and their money. Who the fuck side are you on. Get real!!!!! MD says I'm not afraid of you I'll prosecute you for interfering with Letha sewer business. MD you need to shut the fuck up you don't live here, you have no say. That's when he stands up,I'm thinking that's good for a man that's disabled, wounder what else he's lied about. MD's wife grabs his arm and says sit down honey you need this job it's the only account we have left. Not for long if I can help it!!! Meetings over I go home. That was in May. Chapter three starts in December and hasn't played it self out yet, so I'm still taking notes. Ugly thing's are coming down , possible prison time for a certain BM.

Happy trails

RB aka Super hero aka The King of Letha

Chapter 2

Same warning as before, just toned down a hair, no more c word, Chairperson will be CP ,Secretary treasure will be ST, Vise Chair will be VC, Board member BM, Father in law BH and pay trons or victims PV, as for me well I'm just me. Almost forgot, Maintenance Dude MD. BM can also mean bowel movement.

Now here it is several years later and I still don't want to be involved. BUT, where our house sets on the sewer line, if anything happens at the pump station and we stop pumping ,the water backs up, we are the first to know cause our throne bubbles and burps so I call CP she Calls MD, he drives all the way over from Kuna for $85.00 per hour. RIP OFF !!! Anyway MD says HE found a couple of Wires Burnt off ,so he cleans off the ends and puts them back where they were, starts pump and drives home. The pump ran until he got to the highway and stopped, second day same problem, MD is back I don't know what he did this time, but he didn't have an electrician with him. This dude is a real piece of work and CP feels sorry for him cause he's disabled and has a young baby to feed. He's also her buddy and backup. I also think she is taking a payoff but I can't prove it. So pump is runing more water gets pumped down this time so it lasts longer but not by much. Third times a charm or so I've heard. MD is back still stuck on stupid, this time he says he pulled the four hanging switches and cleans them. ? Water tight switches on the end of power cords that when the water level rises , switch closes and powers pump, simple ,or not. Anyway over time, about four mounths crap builds up on said switches and no power to pump. Monday morning throne is working or so I thought, Wife screams we got bubbles,Damn!!!!!! Icall CP not home no cell phone to cheep. ST, VP and BM'S no can find, SHIT!!!!! Don't have MD's number. What's up with that shit I am pissed. Wife is having problems and needs throne room. Time for super hero to take over and get this shit working. I grab my bolt cutters jump on 4 wheeler and head over to pump station, I go by all the BM's houses no one home or they are afraid to answer the door. Arriving at pump station, I know full well if I touch anything thats a felony, Setting on trusty 4 wheeler Cell phone to ear, wife have you got ahold of anyone yet, about that time VC drives around corner and is coming my way, I wave him down. What's up super hero? Pump's not working again, says I. What do you mean again??? So I explain it to him. Crap he says CP never tells me anything. Do you have keys we need to start the pumps manualy? No he's says.Well I have bolt cutters. He backs up about ten feet shaking his head and turning kinda pale. Oh boy I don't know if I can do that. CP will have me for lunch. O shit VC grow a set and man up or CP isn't going to get anything but leftovers. OK VC says what do we do ? Not me dude

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Who bought the Queen Elizabeth Coin that was in Mom's stuff ? Who ever you are , you got screwed It's not Silver It's nickle alloy, not worth crap. The man that bought it at auction returned it ,cause it's not silver. I'll send it to you.

Later RB

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time to Vent

Fair warning to all, it is time for me to vent, and the Mirror just doesn't work any more. Now I will be using some very colorful language, the c word is one of them. However, this is directed at one particular female on our local sewer board. So if you have sensitive ears or take offence to all the derogatory terms that I have running through my head then please read no further. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Several years ago I was dumb enough to be talked into filling an opening on the sewer board. Damn this was good,I can give a little back. All was well for the first year or so I though(dumb ass) little did I realize that my warped sense of humor or my straight forward up front, tell the truth approach was pissing off the cunt in the chairpersons seat. Now understand this is a volunteer position, no pay, my time! I was working about 20 hours per week, and some weekends, doing maintenance and repairs that were long past due. My only goal was to have a system that would serve the town of Letha well into the future, with regular maintenance, and very little cost. My goal was in sight and I'm thinking the rest was going to be easy. Life got in the way and the shit hit the fan.
There was this asshole who was over $1000.00 behind on his sewer bill and no way to get a hold of him but I tracked him down. I told him who I was and what I called him for and ask if he could come to a meeting and make arrangements for payment. He said sure he would be there. The motherfucker never showed up. About two weeks later he shows up on my doorstep, drunk. I told him I could not help him that he would have to come to a meeting and talk to the board, that I was just a board member and had only one vote. Again this piece of shit never showed. Now this motherfucker has a set of balls the size of a elephant. What he did was rent his front yard out to this unsuspecting fool in an old piece of shit camp trailer, then digs down to the sewer line and hooks in. No permit, no permission, he's behind himself and charging rent with an illegal sewer hook up. I find out about this about two months into this deal and go check it out. Surprised the shit out of me. So I knocks on the door this old man about 100 or so sticks his head out and blows pot smoke in my face. Now I don't mind that so much but the bad breath was almost deadly. I ask him about the sewer hook up and did he know it was illegal, and that it had to be unhooked. Damn don't piss off old dudes that are fucked up. The dude steps out side wearing nothing but his skivvies and I'm thinking this is not going well. He says who the fuck are you and what the fuck you mean illegal, and then he drops his joint. He's down on his hands and knees looking. It's time for me to leave. So I go find the head cunt and tell her about the illegal hook up. She says she is going to check it out and for me to go on home.( Hee Hee Hee) I says OK and leave. About two days later the rentee turns up at the head cunts house drunk. Starts bitchin and talking law suit,and telling the head cunt that I told him I was the sewer board chairman and all kinds of other shit and she believes him. And that's when the shit hits the fan. Well the head cunt throws all this up in my face at the next sewer board meeting. You could have Knocked me over with a feather, I was that shocked and for one of the only times in my life, at a loss for words. So I sat quiet for all of about three seconds and told her and the board that they should know me well enough by now to know I don't do shit like that. I'm thinking to my self , what the fuck is this shit all about? After the meeting I'm walking out to my truck and the head cunt comes storming out the door and gets in my face and starts screaming and spitting like a cat with vice grips on it's tail. Now, by damn I've had enough, I don't hit her but I told her if she didn't shut her fucking mouth I was going to rip her fucking head off and shit in it. She slaps her hand over her mouth and backs up about four steps and starts in again, by then the rest of the board members are standing around watching and waiting to see if there's going to be any blood to clean up. One of the board members grabs the head cunt and puts her in her car and I go home, It takes me a couple of hours to cool down. So I stay out in the shop and think this through and I'm still at a loss. What the fuck did I do to piss that bitch off ? I mean in the first place, not just a couple hours ago. So two days go by and I'm still running this shit over and over in my head. Back to work , illegal sewer hook up has to go. I don't have any info on this motherfucker so I go to town and the P an Z office. They will not give any one any thing unless you file a complaint. So I did as a private citizen not as sewer board member, which is my right. Well they couldn't find any info on this motherfucker so they send it to the Letha sewer board to take care of, well when the head cunt See's this she comes unglued. She calls up and asks if she and the secretary can come over and talk , I don't think much of it ,about three minutes later there's a knock on the door wife lets them in. Head cunt walks in and stands in the middle of my living room and is waiving this complaint form around and accuses me of having a vendetta against motherfucker. I couldn't even get out of my chair, I was power less, but it didn't take me long you can bet your ass on that, and I had enough. I told the head cunt she could take her sewer board and stuff it in her ass . and you know what that is exactly what she wanted she sucked me in like a rookie. That's a dumb shit. Now this is the end of the first chapter, and there's a whole lot more to come. So this is the King of Letha signing off for now.

Later RB

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Up Date

Nothing new just the same old crap. Except for the Auction of Mom's Silver and what few coins there were.Don't know yet what the final amount is, takes about two weeks to get a check.

Got a letter from Ander and ran it through a translator web site but it's still hard to understand so I sent it to everyone have fun. Hee Hee Hee !!! I am going to e-mail him back and ask , what his goal is with all this and what he expects, basically what his intention's are.

That's my story and I'm sticken with it.

Later RB