Tuesday, April 8, 2008

honey due's

well the car took a back seat to the kitchen. and now im butt deep in broken boards saw dust cheep paint and all the directions i can stand. and not even close to being finished. gutted the food prep area and started over damn what fun. what used to be good cubberds i hope thats spelled right are now just a pile of fire wood.washing the cups pots and pans in the bath tub is a little strange even for me. dish soap makes me brake out itches to. i will not dry the damn things with my favorite towel. coffie tastes like soap but it sure cleans a person out. fart bubbles now them are fun if you can catch em. just dont pop em any where close to your nose. bad bad bad!!!!! even the dogs look at you funnie. been taking pictures of the hole mess but ill have to have gale show me how to put them on the blog i forgot how. very convient shot turm memory loss or long take your pick. even have a picture of the dishes in the tub. thinking of having it framed might even use it for greeting cards. watch out for the spinnnnnnnn cycle . later



Retro Blog said...

yeah remodeling is always twice as messy, twice as expensive and always takes twice as long as you think. Hang in there, love to see before and after pictures! R

Gale said...

I think we will be remodeling something or other all summer long. So I feel your pain. Although I may be taking baths in the kitchen sink. Yikes!