Friday, February 8, 2008


Looking forward to the Daytona 500, It's been a long dry spell, for Racing that is, but were getting plenty of rain and snow. Tryed talking Robin into bring Carl up to see a DR. that I know that is a BioKinesiology expert and also works with Homeopathy remedies. but no go. Carl just wants to stay home and suffer all that radiation, I think he's a Dumb Ass, that crap has not crued any one yet. But then who am I to say.

Took Cathy to a couple appointments yesterday, in between stops, we stopped at Dennis Dillion's used car dump. They have a 2005 Mazda Miata speed that means it has a turbo, it's a go faster. $16998.00 and only 14K miles real nice little car, red , black leather with red wide stich seat's, a/c pw ps bose stero. Almost traded but I like the one we have just fine. Idon't think it will be their long.

Been working on the shop to keep the heat in, and the cold out. Now i can finish Clay's M/C and get a few other things done. Then start on Project Hot Rod. Still have to bring it home. I only have 11 vehicles and 3 m/c on the place I need more room. HELP!!!!!! O and all the cat's in Letha , Think Ill buy a Live trap and catch a few and drop them off in Emmett. this seems to be the dump for unwanted pets. Getting damn tired of other peoples generosity. Enough of this BS.




yoo hoo said...

Isn't that the 'get it in-turn left-go fast' sport?

Retro Blog said...

Want some kitties? I got some.

Gale said...

Should go back get the red Miata. That is an excellent price. And I HATE Dennis Dillion, bunch a boneheads!
We too are waiting for the races to begin.

Gale said...

Anbody have a Carl update?