Home is a wonderful place. Kinda thought we wouldn't see it again. But here we are! Got home Tuesday afternoon, after we dropped the trailer off at Nelson's RV for needed warranty work, picked up a new family member, and came on into home. The grass didn't grow much after the flood, but the weeds went bonkers. We had tree sized weeds. Wednesday evening, Rich mowed most of the yard, and finished it today. We had Jason come over and help clean out the pump house as he is littler and more versatile than Rich. They got it cleaned and re insulated. Jason is coming back tomorrow to do some weed eating. Yay!! The place looks like someone lives here again. Now, onto the new family member. I had been grieving the loss of Emmy something fierce. Last Thursday, Robby sent me a photo of a little girl (puppy) who had lost her home to a red bone hound. Owners didn't want her, so guess who did. Rob had to keep her until we could pick her up. I'll post a photo soon. She is a Min-Pin/Chihuahua mix and is about 9 months old. Lucy has put her in her place several times, and continues to complain about the pup. Her former owners called her Nevaeh. Heaven backwards. Might that be a warning? I shortened it to Nova. She comes to that easily. She is black and tan like Lucy, with a long tail. Lots of energy. She runs circles in the yard. We have installed a bell on her collar as she is so small we need to know where she is at all times. I don't want to step on her. She has adjusted enuf to quit following me everywhere and has started following Rich. She is not allowed up with Rich yet. Needs to be here awhile longer. She has found many pens, pieces of books, lots of chewable things. We need to get her some toys. We have nothing for puppies, it's been a long time. Here we go again.
You all have a great weekend.
Happy birthday Royce, Justin, Robin and whoever else I forgot. (Saw Justin's and Robin's b-day on facebook) Later...Cathy
please post picture of Nova (that's AVON backwards).
Too funny! ;) lol when read your comment.
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