Ollie is real worried about paying us for helping her move. Actually, we did very little, and took 2 or 3 items over to her new apt. which she hasn't moved into yet. It has been bugging the crap out of her to pay us for this help. She calls up (second call in two days) about 4 this afternoon, and wants to know if she can give us something for helping her move. And I said "No, family helping family, I didn't do this expecting to be paid." But you know Ollie, her mind was made up. So she said she had this blue recliner that needed a new cushion, and we could have that. Trying to put the old gal off, I told her I had to run it by Cathy for approval. Then she said " I also have this old suitcase full of vibrators". And the picture that went through my mind, you cannot imagine, or maybe you can, and I know you guys thought of the same thing. In the background, I can hear Cathy snorting and choking and trying to keep from laughing out loud. In the mean time, Ollie is still talking to me about this suitcase full of vibrators and how we can sit on one, put one behind your knees or even use one by hand. Now the picture is clearing up, bizarre thoughts strolling through my brain,and when I can finally talk without sputtering and tears running down my cheeks, Cathy hauls ass for the bedroom and shuts the door. I can hear her in there hooting and hollering, the dogs start barking, there's somebody knocking at the door, I'm about to pee my pants, and Ollie's still trying to tell me about these vibrators! Tell me we don't have fun around here!! So, deal is struck, and we are headed to town to pick up our new toys. Don't know if they are battery or plug in type. Guess it doesn't really matter. So any time you want to stop by, we will have good vibrations. Take a number, no charge.