Friday, September 26, 2008

Don't pay the ransom...We escaped!

Got home yesterday afternoon. We were so sore and tired, all we could do was sit and nap. This morning, we downloaded the camera and made CD's cuz neither of us know how to put them all on here. 165 photos in all, some from before we left, some are "oops, trigger finger" . Couldn't get any of the rapids we traversed on the Colorado as we were too busy hanging on for dear life. The smallest of the rapids was rated a "3" and the last two were "8". We enjoyed the "bottom up" for photos rather than the "top down" as the immenseness (is that a word?) was so overwhelming that words fail. The sights from the helicopter ride to take us to the top of the canyon was really cool too. We stayed at the Hualapai Ranch the night after the raft trip. There is no phone service there, and tv 's were none existent. So quiet. We enjoyed the peace after the whirlwind days before. Went to the campfire and learned about the history of the Hualapai nation, and how they came to do what they are doing there now.
We sent to the Skywalk the first day. The Skywalk (glass bridge thingy) was a disappointment. No cameras, no cell phones allowed on the bridge. They take their own photos with the token chief (headdress and all) that you can buy for just $30.00! The construction around the bridge takes away from the experience but it should look better when they get it done. More about this later.

As to Richard teaching Lisa how to shoot, the comment was just a joke people. You can't always take what Rich says so seriously!


yoo hoo said...

COOL, glad that you got home okay and it sounds like you had a great time. Ok, so now you need to sign up on flickr so you can post all of your pictures.

Gale said...

Aw heck! I never do! One more off the bucket list - whats next?