Tuesday, August 5, 2008

rain locker rumba

Dancing in the rain just got a lot more fun, that brings up a real vivid picture don't it ? and the first time i go to take a shower , i turn on the water not knowing the squirter thingie valve is on and get a very cold blast of water all over my naked self #%$@*& damn!!!!! and a lot more bad words. No where to run can't find water turner offer ,more bad word's . And a , what the hell you bitchen about, oh shit!!! turn it off quick, dumb ass. WOW what a rush!!!
Now for the yard sale, Friday was busy , lots of lookie loos ,sold lots of rocks , all that neat junk and and sold more rocks than any thing else. Sat. was real slow all day , but we stuck with it and sold more rocks . People are strange but at least we have less junk. And then there was a car wreck out on the hiway and they wiped out my yard sale sign. I had to go rescue it for rehab. Nobody hurt , but both cars were junk. Sunday was real slow It was like slow motion only in reverse. More rocks gone, wished i had more rocks, hot sellers. going to start bagging gravel, painting river rocks. Hay woman get on the phone and order a load of road mix and get some more zip lock bags. ROCKS ARE HOT.


yoo hoo said...

crimeny, who knew rocks would be so HOT. Maybe "they" know something we don't.
LOVE the new shower. I don't really like the picture that was in my head with you in the shower...oh nevermind.

Gale said...

Can hardly wait to see it. Hint? Turn on water before attempting entry, seriously it can be done.

Retro Blog said...

Rocks? I have some dirt......