Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reunion request

Listen up gang, I have available, for the reunion, an old fashioned ice cream churn and recipe for ice cream, courtesy of Aunt Wanda and Uncle Paul and their location skills. Would anyone like to take on this chore, and recruit the manpower to make the ice cream?

It was also suggested that we have t-shirts made for everybody. We did some research and if you would like a shirt, the requirements are: size, number needed, and money. They would be approximately $14.00 each and they would have "Berglund Reunion" on them. If we have at least 20 ordered, the price is less. Photo to follow this post, as soon as we get the e-mail.



Retro Blog said...

Ice cream sounds like something the young folks can do. I am bringing lots of potato salad. It will be transported in a cooler so there is no possibility of food poisoning. I am also bringing books 4 and 5 of The change. Book six is coming out early September,so the double trilogy of Dies The Fire is not yet complete.

Anonymous said...

Team Ecland is going to pass on the t-shirts. As for ice cream, that DOES sound like a younger person job.

Retro Blog said...

Team Alden will pass on T shirt as well, they can't MAKE a T-shirt cute enough for me to wear.

Also am rethinking potato salad idea, Mom says Wanda is making tater salad, I am thinking maybe make a surprise...yeah...a surprise.

Phil said...

Are Margaritas a side dish?