Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday in Letha

About 6:30 the dogs went off , they think it's normal, and go rip roaring out side, to chase fence posts. All's well in the Berglund compound , patrol was a success, all the right places watered and watered again. OK back to the house, last one in is a wiener, come on lets get every one up, it's time to eat, get out of bed you lazy butts, can't you see we are starving, Hey , up fools !!! Keeping our yard safe is damn hard work, why do think we sleep all the time. Good thing their are four of us, this shift work really sucks. Pay's not much but the food is good, that's a hint DUMB ASS . Get the hell up ! Don't you know it's already 6:35 , what's the hold up ? All this translated into doggie talk is bark bark bark bark yap yap yap yap bark yap yap bark bark bark , and so on. Times 4 .

Black and white cat has been missing for the last two days we have looked in all the cat places, and no luck, she is 15 and has a hard time getting around , so I'm thinking she crawled off some where and spent her ninth life. If so, then it was meant to be, but we still have one cat and that's more then enough.

Cathy is making bread in the new bread maker, just pour in all the fixin's and out comes a loaf of home baked bread or buns or pizza dough, it's cool. It's the white thumb syndrome and a little on the cheeks. As for me I was going to finish up the entry way painting but ran short of paint so it's off to the paint store, Monday. Time to go watch the nascar race. So don't corner anything meaner than you !!

Later RB

1 comment:

Gale said...

Next time I need an interpreter for Cola, I am calling on you!